A course platform built using blockchain to lower costs, and allow for a direct connection from teacher to student!

This project is a 🏆 winner 🏆of SF Hacks

Read the Devpost here
Check out the code here

🔍What it does

All users have the option to create and/or enroll in classes. There are no restrictions on the content of classes: Classes can educate on any topic under the sun. Classes are made of a number of lessons which can be added and edited individually and modularly.

Once a teacher creates a class, they set a price to their class. Students can then purchase the class and leave ratings depending on their experience with the class. Each class comes with forum functionality and a chat room to encourage community-driven learning.


Vibe makes learning about learning by removing barriers to learning such as accessibility, affordability, and lack of engagement.

🔨How we built it

Vibe is a decentralized application that runs on the Ethereum ecosystem. The smart contracts are written in solidity, using the Truffle Framework, and deployed onto the Goerli Testnet. They are then integrated into the React frontend using the Web3 JS library. Vibe also makes use of the Interplanetary File System or IPFS to store lesson video content.